

Network Service

Introduction to Computer Networks 

Computer network is an interconnection of two or more computers and peripherals such as printers and faxes. Computer network allows the user to share and transfer information using cables or modems within a network.

Introduction :- 
Network is a collection of computers connected to each other. It allows the computers to communicate with each other and share resources which include information.

As network selection criterion forms the basis of a network, since it helps to select a secured and efficient network. The criterion explains network performance improvement techniques and necessity of reliable network. Various standards organizations are used for network communication to maintain consistency.

Need for Computer Networks 

Computer network allows the user to share data with other users in a network, for example a company having a number of computers which are connected in a network. Computer network will enable the users to share files and folder and get synchronized with other users.

Computer network also allows the user to share resources sucha s printers and faxes.printer can be installed on one computer and can be accessed by other users in a network. By this the need of installing printers on individual computers is avoided and it results in cost effectiveness. Computer network also allows the user to communicate with each other using instant messaging tools to share ideas, files or solve queries.

The user can also setup a central system wherein common files and folders which are frequently used by all the users can be stored. All the users within the network can easily access those files. Instead of taking backups from individual computer the user can take data backup from the central system. This helps in reducing the time of taking backup.

If an organization you have several computers but just on phone line, a network makes it easier to use the internet. Several computers can share one modem to use the same internet connection. Otherwise, you can even install a dedicated high speed internet connection such as a cable modem for your network.

It is possible to add new systems or servers to an existing network easily. Thus the computer network provides scalability. It is also reliable to use a network as it uses mirroring and redundancy.

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